



The MedDos Infinity Task Group Is Exploring
the Infinite Possibilities for Your Dosimetry Future

The MedDos Infinity Task Group first met on July 2, 2019 and has been working on a comprehensive examination of the current state of the medical dosimetry profession and its future. Led by Task Group Chair Brian Napolitano, the group has held monthly meetings and has been conducting focused investigation of many issues impacting the profession.

July 2021: During the Virtual 46th Annual Meeting, Brian Napolitano and the subgroup chairs presented The Future is Unwritten: Summary of Findings from the AAMD’s MedDos Infinity Task Group, summarizing the results of the MedDos Infinity Task group’s research. . 

April 2021: The ½¿É«µ¼º½Board of Directors approved MedDos Infinity's . 

March 2021:  The members of the MedDos Infinity Task Group have been engaged for over a year and a half in research, analysis and discussion regarding the current and future direction of the medical dosimetry profession. They are continuing to review references and evaluate data in order to produce recommendations for how this profession continues to evolve. They are particularly keying in on the findings of the 2020 ½¿É«µ¼º½Workforce Survey and other surveys that were conducted by the ½¿É«µ¼º½last year.  

Task Group members are now formulating recommendations for areas of focus for the ½¿É«µ¼º½and its members that will help to advance the  profession while also considering developments in the larger healthcare landscape, including the adoption of artificial intelligence tools, the impact of COVID, supply and demand pressures on staffing, rates of cancer diagnoses and other items. 

There will be a full presentation of the MedDos Infinity Task Group's findings and recommendations during the ½¿É«µ¼º½Virtual 46th Annual Meeting in June. Additionally, there will be a comprehensive presentation of all ½¿É«µ¼º½survey data during the Annual Meeting. The survey reports will be published on the ½¿É«µ¼º½website for ½¿É«µ¼º½members this spring. 

The Task Group has worked extremely hard in conducting this analysis of the profession and formulating recommendations for its future. The ½¿É«µ¼º½leaders and members are grateful for their diligence and insights on this important project.  

July 2020: During the live panel discussion at the Virtual 45th Annual Meeting, Brian Napolitano and the subgroup chairs answer questions regarding their progress and activities over the past year. . 

An interview with MedDos Infinity Task Group Chair Brian Napolitano (Fall 2019):

Who are the members of MedDos Infinity?

The Task Group members were selected from a large and enthusiastic applicant pool. They represent a diverse cross-section of the radiation oncology profession. They come from a variety of clinical environments, educational backgrounds, geographic locations and industry affiliations. See the full list of our members at the bottom of this post. We are grateful for their time and dedication to this very important work.

How is the Task Group approaching the task of defining the future of medical dosimetry?

The work is being divided into 4 areas of focus within these subgroups:

Expertise: This subgroup is examining the education and skillset of medical dosimetrists and how those two things continue to evolve in the current healthcare environment. They are looking at opportunities for medical dosimetrists to diversify their skills and move into other areas of radiation oncology, such as leadership, management, research and innovation.

Technology: This subgroup is looking at how the profession evolves in the face of further automation, the integration of machine learning into routine clinical practice and the promotion of collaboration and optimization of clinical practices for efficiency.

Growth and Sustainability: This subgroup is looking at new skills needed for the profession to evolve – adaptive therapy, particle therapy, etc. – and how these specialized techniques are being incorporated into clinical processes. They are examining workforce issues, such as how to graduate and train enough medical dosimetrists to meet the growing needs for patient care in light of the rising incidence of cancer. They are also looking at how best to meet the training needs of the industry and the role of the certification exam in maintaining currency with technological innovations and evolving skills. Additionally, issues like the role of remote treatment planning or provision of remote services and alternative staffing model scenarios to ensure long-term clinical viability in various geographic locations are also being considered.

Advocacy: This subgroup is looking for ways to continue to advocate for the profession in the clinic and beyond and to make sure medical dosimetrists’ voices are heard. One of their main questions is: How can we effectively articulate the value of medical dosimetry to the healthcare community and the public? They are investigating whether there is a regulatory palate for promoting the need for the qualified medical dosimetrists in the clinical environment. The impact of changing reimbursements is also at the forefront of their work.

What kinds of tools are the subgroups using to explore their areas?

They’re diligently collecting references and resources to produce their hypotheses for how this profession continues to evolve. They are also starting to formulate a comprehensive survey that will seek guidance from the general ½¿É«µ¼º½membership on various questions that are before the task group.

Task Group members are reaching out to sister societies for information and feedback and working to engage subject matter experts to weigh in on their particular areas of expertise for how the profession will continue to evolve.

How will ½¿É«µ¼º½members hear about the ongoing activities of the Task Group?

Our plan is to communicate quarterly with members via the ½¿É«µ¼º½website, eMonitor newsletter and email. We also have a goal to share initial findings of the Task Group at the 45th Annual Meeting.

What if members have specific concerns to share?

While the Task Group has a lengthy list of questions in front of it, we’re willing to address other member concerns. Please send your questions or comments to the MedDos Infinity Task Group at aamd@medicaldosimetry.org.

Name Employer/Affiliation Current Role
Christopher Amaloo MDCB Representative Certified Medical Dosimetrist
Chavanon Apinorasethkul New York Proton Center Certified Medical Dosimetrist
Teri Bedard Revenue Cycle, Inc. Director of Client Services
James Bell UT Southwestern Medical Center Certified Medical Dosimetrist
Dayna Bodensteiner RaySearch Americas Director of Product Management, North America
Colleen Brogan-Raasch Gundersen Health System Certified Medical Dosimetrist
Jessica Caselli SROA Supervisor Medical Dosimetrist
Mariel Cornell University of California at San Diego Senior Medical Dosimetrist
Kevin Erhart .decimal President & Chief Technical Officer
Madison Fletcher-Mason West Cancer Center Certified Medical Dosimetrist
Catherine Gagne Alliance Healthcare Services Certified Medical Dosimetrist
Matt Gerace MIM Software Director of Radiation Oncology
Anne Greener AAPM Representative Medical Physicist
Jennifer Markham Elekta Manager for Product Management
Anjenette Milligan ASRT Representative Consulting and Clinical Coordinator
Donna Powell National Comprehensive Cancer Network Oncology Scientist
Kristina Trenka Cross Cancer Institute Certified Medical Dosimetrist